Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Paper Stars

This week I've been making paper stars. They're super easy to make, and quite addictive. I think they will look fab hung up as Christmas decorations. Here's how to make them:

You will need 2 x paper squares measuring 6x6", scissors, glue, pen, ruler & very small glue dots.

1. Fold your paper in half, both ways. 
So you have 2 creases and 4 squares, like this... 

2. Fold your paper diagonally, both ways... 

 You should be left with a lot of creased triangles. 

3. Take your ruler and measure 1 1/4 inch, or 3.2cm, from the outside of the horizontal/vertical creases. Draw a line like this on all 4 creases... 

Cut along all 4 lines with scissors. 

4. Next, fold the edges in towards the crease, like so.. 

Repeat on all sides, until you are left with a star shape.

5. Get your glue, and apply a smidgento one triangle. Fold over and stick over the other triangle. (Tip: glue the flap you are going to fold over, otherwise if you put glue on the other side you will have excess) 

Once you have done all 4, you should be left with a star shape like this... 

Repeat steps 1-5 on your other piece of paper, then when you have 2 stars apply glue dots to one of them like so...
Then stick the other star onto it, using a bit of pressure...

You should be left with a star like in the photo at the beginning of this blog. Add string to a point with a needle and hang from your window, or Christmas tree!! 

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